and Respect: The Love She Most Desires;
The Respect He Desperately Needs” Dr. Emmerson Eggerichs 2010
I love the
Bible. But sometimes I don’t love Bible verses. People like to take their one
favorite verse out of context and use it to steamroll or translate everything.
You can’t base your whole marriage on one verse. Or a whole book.
Dr. Eggerichs
says this one verse will change your marriage. “Each one of you also
must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”
(Ephesians 5:33)
Giving to get
“This book is
about how the wife can fulfill her need to be loved by giving her husband what
he needs- respect.” It’s nice to be clear at the start. I begin with two
concerns. First, is it the wife’s job to fix every problem? Second, is she only
giving something to get something?
Dr. E will go on
to contradict this, saying both people need to work on their relationships,
don’t expect the other person to do it first, you don’t give just so you can
receive. He offers some sage advice to take responsibility for how you react to
your spouse rather than blaming them. Yet he is clear that the main point of
this book is teaching wives the need to unconditionally respect their husbands.
All husbands and wives are the same
I appreciate
that Dr. E shared his personal stories. (Dr.
Laura never does.) Little snippets like how spouses get upset because the
other burned the food or left a mess are easy to identify with. It’s silly how
much of marital fighting is over the small stuff, and Dr. E has good ideas on
getting past that.
But Dr. E
assumes that all husbands and wives have marriages that look exactly like his.
The oddest aspect is his thematic description of disputes.
a husband can take [criticism] no longer, he gets up and walks out without a
word… He distances himself to prevent things from escalating… Men have an honor
code… he doesn’t want to fight verbally or physically… as she gets louder, he
gets quieter. Soon she may be screaming at him with venomous words that he’s
never heard in all his life. As a rule, women have learned to fight with words.
They are masters of the art, and husbands can feel helpless before the
I don’t know of
any stereotype that men stay silent. Many men are verbally hurtful or even
abusive. Dr. E’s expectation is that wives are the critical, nit-picking,
complaining spouse in relationships. But many men are perfectionists, have high
expectations that can never be met, and are verbally abusive in conflict. And
there are some women who go silent and try to escape the fight. Some women feel
like they can never be good enough for their husbands.
Stories like
these may speak to certain couples. “Love and Respect” was someone’s wedding
gift to my sister. After skimming the first couple chapters, I talked to her
and was startled to find that she loves it.
I am still trying to understand why. First, she identifies with the want
for love more than respect. She loves to give and receive attention, affection,
and share interests. (I wish I’d read this book in high school as a guide to
make her happy.) Second, she doesn’t mind that not all the descriptions about
women relate to her. She says, “I don’t act like that, but I know some women
who do.” But does selective reading justify forgiveness of stereotypes?
Secret Codes
Another struggle
I had with this book was the idea that communication between men and women is primarily impeded because of their gender. Dr. E uses colorful metaphors for these communication troubles. But if women see the world through pink glasses and hear through
pink hearing aids, wouldn’t all women have perfect communication? (We don’t.) And
if men see through blue glasses, and hear through blue hearing aids, why would
I want to marry one? Wouldn’t I be more compatible with someone of my own
everywhere have a hard time communicating with each other. There isn’t a binary
system of seeing, hearing, and speaking.1 Even siblings raised in similar situations have disputes due to
misunderstandings. I’m not convinced that a spoonful of love and respect is the
solution to all these problems. Humility, giving the benefit of the doubt,
forgiveness and listening are some good building blocks.
But we don’t
need any extra tools. Dr. E says decoding is easy, because it’s always the same
message. “You loaded the dishwasher wrong!” means “Love me!” “Why is the house
a mess?” means “Respect me.” Every time.
What is Respect?
Dr. E says God
requires wives to unconditionally respect their husbands, according to his
favorite verse. He is defensive about this because he knows that respect must
be earned. Otherwise, it isn’t real. Fake respect is flattery.
Dr. E tries too hard to say respect doesn’t need to be earned, but his
practical advice belies the fact. I can summarize his recommendations in two
First, act
respectfully even if you don’t feel it. Especially in public, in front of your
children, or during fights. Don’t raise your voice or make an angry face. This
isn’t about faking it, this is about common courtesy. It’s kindness more than
it is respect, so I can agree with it. “A wife [can] display a respectful
facial expression and tone… while confronting his unloving behavior and without
endorsing his unloving reactions.” Agreed.
Second, think of
things you already respect about your husband, make a list and tell him so.
This is similar to counting your blessings in the middle of hard times. This
may mean respecting his intentions even if his performance is weak.
This book is
long because Dr. E thinks his advice is more complicated than it is. He dumbs
down his content for his expected audience. “As one wife put it, ‘We think so
differently. I don’t even relate to what he considers respect (or the lack of
it.)’” Why would it be hard to understand that your husband feels disrespected
when you yell at him and criticize him?
I think
differently from my husband, but also from my female friends. At best, this
book made me embarrassed for not being “correctly” female. I wish I were
naturally full of love and giving like Dr. E thinks women are. “The Lord
created a women to love. Her whole approach to nurture, her sensitivity, love
and compassion are all part of her very nature.” (page 36) I wish being
disrespected didn’t hurt or matter so much to me.
I’m at a point
in my life where I want respect more than love. Part of that is my personality,
but part of it is because I’ve been disrespected. My calling to ministry has
been questioned and doubted. My insecurities and worries have been put down. I
don’t need someone to tell me they love me despite my failures; I want to be
told that I haven’t failed; I’m still going to get somewhere.
I don’t think
I’m alone as a women who needs respect. Even thinking of a household with
traditional gender roles, stay-at-home-moms are often disrespected. An old
cliché is that the hardworking husband comes home and says, “What have you been
doing all day?” when the house is a mess and the kids are crying. He’s being disrespectful,
plain and simple.
A woman’s need
for respect is part of the reason feminism exists. Limiting women’s
opportunities, choices and voices is disrespect.
Men protect women
The biggest reason
Dr. E thinks wives should respect men for is men embracing their God-given
roles. We finally look at some context to the respect verse.
submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband
is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which
he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should
submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as
Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing
her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself
as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy
and blameless. Ephesians
5:22-27 (Complementarians generally skip verse
Dr. E draws
three legalistic conclusions. First, a man’s role is to love and protect his
wife, and she should place herself under his protection. Later he calls it,
“the umbrella of protection” which is a phrase I’ve heard elsewhere in patriarchal
Adding to the
text, Dr. E says men are wired to protect and die for their wives and families.
It’s hard to say this out loud without sounding over-dramatic. Most Americans
live in safety. What exactly do I need protecting from?3
Second, Dr. E proposes
that husbands should get 51% of the responsibility and authority in the
relationship. Why 51%? The Bible doesn’t command it. Another interpretation of
“Submit in everything” would say the man gets 100%. Should we only submit 51%
to Jesus? Which leads to the last big problem…
The worst conclusion
of this passage is stated as if it’s a commonly accepted truth. “You [husband]
are the Christ figure to her…” (page 163). Yes, everyone should follow the
example of Jesus, but you shouldn’t take His place.4 Even if a husband dies for his wife, he doesn’t make her holy and blameless. The
man doesn’t need to do Jesus’ job for Him. The implications of a husband being
more Christ-like than the wife can be devastating to a marriage. What hope can
there be for equality if the husband is God?
A funny phrase
occurs frequently throughout this book. “A husband with good will” is one with good
intentions who makes understandable mistakes (mostly because he doesn’t
understand the secret code of women). I think it’s good to assume the best of
your spouse, that even if they aren’t acting nice at the moment, overall they
have good intentions and don’t want to hurt you. But this idea of goodwill is
meant to give comfort to your worries that giving authority to someone who
hasn’t earned it isn’t going to have bad consequences. I think the reason Dr. E
uses this idea to defend the weakness of hierarchical complementarian household
the concept of biblical hierarchy lead to abuse? Will a man take advantage of
being head of the family by putting down and even abusing his wife and
children? Yes, this is possible, but because it is possible does not mean a
woman should refuse to allow her husband to be the head. If a husband is evil-willed, the abuse will happen anyway, no matter
what the family structure is… if a man is good-willed, his wife’s respect
and his hierarchical position will not cause him to abuse, because that is not
in his nature. (emphasis mine)
It’s odd to hear
a former pastor like Dr. E say this. I’m used to hearing about people’s sin
nature, selfishness, and tendency to do evil. But Dr. E thinks most men are
good-willed, only needing a little encouragement to act in a positive way.
Evil-willed men are the odd exceptions. I wonder where he thinks their evil
will came from. Much unkindness and evil arises in situations, not just because
of something written into a person’s DNA. Does power corrupt? Do men need
checks and balances? Or are men uniquely designed to be in charge and will
flourish in their designed habitat?
World history
has not proven that to be a success. Women have been abused, enslaved,
neglected, dehumanized, and denied rights. Men have done much evil with their
power. Perhaps I would like this book if Dr. E said that historically, people
haven’t been doing marriage God’s way. Here is something we missed, some new
understanding to help us. But instead he calls us backward in history, acting
as though marital problems are new.
Like my sister,
maybe you can sift through this book and find good advice and insight. But the
overall premise of the differences between men and women are based on culture,
nostalgia, jokes, clichés and assumptions, not the design of God.
1 Dr. E thinks he can use science to prove his gender roles. “It is well know that men and women
score differently on tests. He is high in analytical aptitude; she is high on
verbal aptitude.” (page 150) Not true.
2 The
trouble with umbrellas is that if you walk out from under the umbrella and are
hurt, someone will say you were asking for it.
3 Rape and domestic violence is the noteworthy exception to this. But I don’t
think the solution is to have a man guarding over every women every moment. The
man with authority over her is usually the one hurting her, not a stranger.
4 Dr. E repeats this idea, sneaking it in his endnotes. “Man needs to be honored… [as] the image and glory of God.” (page 322) Are women not the image of God?